34,00 €
IVA incluido
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Marcas en varios idiomas
270 mm x 240 mm
34,00 €
IVA incluido
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Pochi modelli hanno saputo entrare di prepotenza nella storia delle due ruote come la Kawasaki 500. Nata nel 1969, insieme alla Honda 750, dà origine con la rivale Four al “big bang” delle maxi moto degli anni Settanta. E la Mach III lo fa a maggior ragione dato che grossa cilindrata non è ma va come se lo fosse, stracciando in accelerazione anche moto di cilindrata doppia, grazie al suo potentissimo motore a tre cilindri e 2 tempi, configurazione sino a quel momento propria solo delle moto da Gran Premio. Se il propulsore si rivela quindi una botte di dinamite, non si può certo dire altrettanto della ciclistica, che fatica ad imbrigliare tutta quella cavalleria.
Dopo la Honda 750 Four, una monografia sulla Mach III non poteva certo mancare nella collana Le moto che hanno fatto la storia, nello specifico, la storia di un autentico mito, sognata dagli sportivi di allora come dai collezionisti di oggi che fanno carte false pur di possederne una nel proprio garage.


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    [codigo] => 26612
    [tipo_articulo] => L0
    [clasificacion] => 21
    [descripcion] => KAWASAKI MACH III 250 350 E 400
    [subtitulo] => 
    [autor] => GIORGIO SARTI
    [traductor] => 
    [nombre_editorial] => GIORGIO NADA EDITORE
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    [descripcion_limitada] => KAWASAKI MACH III 250 350 E 400
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    [sinopsis_editor] => Pochi modelli hanno saputo entrare di prepotenza nella storia delle due ruote come la Kawasaki 500. Nata nel 1969, insieme alla Honda 750, dà origine con la rivale Four al “big bang” delle maxi moto degli anni Settanta. E la Mach III lo fa a maggior ragione dato che grossa cilindrata non è ma va come se lo fosse, stracciando in accelerazione anche moto di cilindrata doppia, grazie al suo potentissimo motore a tre cilindri e 2 tempi, configurazione sino a quel momento propria solo delle moto da Gran Premio. Se il propulsore si rivela quindi una botte di dinamite, non si può certo dire altrettanto della ciclistica, che fatica ad imbrigliare tutta quella cavalleria.
Dopo la Honda 750 Four, una monografia sulla Mach III non poteva certo mancare nella collana Le moto che hanno fatto la storia, nello specifico, la storia di un autentico mito, sognata dagli sportivi di allora come dai collezionisti di oggi che fanno carte false pur di possederne una nel proprio garage.

Recensioni: [sinopsis_breve] => Pochi modelli hanno saputo entrare di prepotenza nella storia delle due ruote come la Kawasaki 500. Nata nel 1969, i [sinopsis_mediana] => Pochi modelli hanno saputo entrare di prepotenza nella storia delle due ruote come la Kawasaki 500. Nata nel 1969, insieme alla Honda 750, dà origine con la rivale Four al “big bang” delle maxi moto degli anni Settanta. E la Mach III lo fa a maggior ragione dato che grossa cilindrata non è ma va come se lo fosse, stracciando in accelerazione anche moto di cilindrata doppia, gra [precio_descuento] => 34.00 [precio_bruto_descuento] => 32.69 [descuento] => 0 [tipo_descuento] => [descripcion_descuento] => [hayDisponible] => 1 [indice] => [atributos] => Array ( ) [relacionados] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [codigo] => 11025 [tipo_articulo] => L0 [clasificacion] => 34 [descripcion] => KAWASAKI 1966-1971 CYCLE WORLD [subtitulo] => [autor] => [traductor] => [nombre_editorial] => BROOKLANDS BOOKS LTD [pais] => [nombre_coleccion] => [es_novedad] => N [pvp] => 2829 [pvp_euros] => 17.00 [pvp_bruto] => 16.35 [isbn] => 978-1-869826-96-3 [ean] => 9789200110252 [estado_libro] => 0 [tmr] => 24.00 [proxima_aparicion] => 0000-00-00 [stockfirme] => 1 [editorial] => 30 [coleccion] => [num_coleccion] => [coleccion_arti] => 1 [ancho] => 200 [alto] => 270 [ilustraciones] => 0 [numero_paginas] => 80 [formato] => PORTADA EN RUSTICA [tema_interes] => 021KAW [origen_edicion] => [fecha_edicion] => [agno_ultima_edi] => [numero_edicion] => [ilustrador] => [ebook_codigo] => [ebook_ref_gt] => [ebook_size] => [ebook_derechos] => [ebook_permisos] => [ebook_url] => [ebook_num_descargas] => [ebook_link_portada] => [ebook_link_portada_orig] => [ebook_cod_distribuidora] => [ebook_permiso_venta] => [ebook_paises] => [ebook_formato] => [ebook_drm] => [ean_portada] => 9789200110252 [idioma] => INGLES [precio_oferta] => [cod_tema] => 021KAW [tema] => KAWASAKI [titulo_alt] => [subtitulo_alt] => [autor_alt] => [editorial_alt] => [numero_paginas_alt] => [pvp_euros_alt] => [url_alt] => [idioma_alt] => [sinopsis] => [nombre_portada_canonical] => [unidad_min_venta] => [familia] => ROAD TEST MOTORCYCLES BROOKLAND (INGLES) [tope_oferta] => [vender] => [referencia] => [impuesto] => 4 [pack] => N [libre_1] => KA [link_editorial] => L2VkaXRvcmlhbC9icm9va2xhbmRzLWJvb2tzLWx0ZC0vMzAv [pvp_euros_2decimales] => 17,00 [ano_edicion] => [descripcion_limitada] => KAWASAKI 1966-1971 CYCLE WORLD [titulo_completo] => KAWASAKI 1966-1971 CYCLE WORLD [titulo] => KAWASAKI 1966-1971 CYCLE WORLD [autores] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [codigo] => [link_autor] => [descripcion] =>   ) ) [cod_disponibilidad] => 3 [disponibilidad] => En stock [class_disponibilidad] => green [tema_web] => Array ( [codigo] => 148 [nivel] => 2502 [descripcion] => Marcas en varios idiomas [link] => /libros-de/marcas-en-varios-idiomas-2502/ ) [preventa] => N [link] => /libro/kawasaki-1966-1971-cycle-world_11025 [link_portada] => https://www.libromotor.com/imagenes/9789200/978920011025.JPG [ruta_portada] => https://www.libromotor.com/imagenes/9789200/978920011025.JPG [comprable] => 1 [sinopsis_editor] => Selected articles from Cycle World Magazine covering the G31 M, G35S, 125 Enduro, Scrambler, Avenger, GP Four, Samuri, Bighorn, Road Racer, Mach III & IV, W2SS, 120SS, Al SS, J1TR, F1TR, C2TR. 180 illus. 80 pages. SB.
[sinopsis_breve] => Selected articles from Cycle World Magazine covering the G31 M, G35S, 125 Enduro, Scrambler, Avenger, GP Four, Samur [sinopsis_mediana] => Selected articles from Cycle World Magazine covering the G31 M, G35S, 125 Enduro, Scrambler, Avenger, GP Four, Samuri, Bighorn, Road Racer, Mach III & IV, W2SS, 120SS, Al SS, J1TR, F1TR, C2TR. 180 illus. 80 pages. SB. [precio_descuento] => 17.00 [precio_bruto_descuento] => 16.35 [descuento] => 0 [tipo_descuento] => [descripcion_descuento] => [hayDisponible] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [codigo] => 11026 [tipo_articulo] => L0 [clasificacion] => 34 [descripcion] => KAWASAKI STREET BIKES 1972-1976 CYCLE WORLD [subtitulo] => [autor] => [traductor] => [nombre_editorial] => BROOKLANDS BOOKS LTD [pais] => [nombre_coleccion] => [es_novedad] => N [pvp] => 2496 [pvp_euros] => 15.00 [pvp_bruto] => 14.42 [isbn] => 978-1-869826-97-0 [ean] => 9781869826970 [estado_libro] => 0 [tmr] => 24.00 [proxima_aparicion] => 0000-00-00 [stockfirme] => 1 [editorial] => 30 [coleccion] => [num_coleccion] => [coleccion_arti] => 1 [ancho] => 200 [alto] => 270 [ilustraciones] => 180 [numero_paginas] => 80 [formato] => PORTADA EN RUSTICA [tema_interes] => 021KAW [origen_edicion] => [fecha_edicion] => [agno_ultima_edi] => [numero_edicion] => [ilustrador] => [ebook_codigo] => [ebook_ref_gt] => [ebook_size] => [ebook_derechos] => [ebook_permisos] => [ebook_url] => [ebook_num_descargas] => [ebook_link_portada] => [ebook_link_portada_orig] => [ebook_cod_distribuidora] => [ebook_permiso_venta] => [ebook_paises] => [ebook_formato] => [ebook_drm] => [ean_portada] => 9781869826970 [idioma] => INGLES [precio_oferta] => [cod_tema] => 021KAW [tema] => KAWASAKI [titulo_alt] => [subtitulo_alt] => [autor_alt] => [editorial_alt] => [numero_paginas_alt] => [pvp_euros_alt] => [url_alt] => [idioma_alt] => [sinopsis] => [nombre_portada_canonical] => [unidad_min_venta] => [familia] => ROAD TEST MOTORCYCLES BROOKLAND (INGLES) [tope_oferta] => [vender] => [referencia] => [impuesto] => 4 [pack] => N [libre_1] => KA [link_editorial] => L2VkaXRvcmlhbC9icm9va2xhbmRzLWJvb2tzLWx0ZC0vMzAv [pvp_euros_2decimales] => 15,00 [ano_edicion] => [descripcion_limitada] => KAWASAKI STREET BIKES 1972-1976 CYCLE WORLD [titulo_completo] => KAWASAKI STREET BIKES 1972-1976 CYCLE WORLD [titulo] => KAWASAKI STREET BIKES 1972-1976 CYCLE WORLD [autores] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [codigo] => [link_autor] => [descripcion] =>   ) ) [cod_disponibilidad] => 3 [disponibilidad] => En stock [class_disponibilidad] => green [tema_web] => Array ( [codigo] => 148 [nivel] => 2502 [descripcion] => Marcas en varios idiomas [link] => /libros-de/marcas-en-varios-idiomas-2502/ ) [preventa] => N [link] => /libro/kawasaki-street-bikes-1972-1976-cycle-world_11026 [link_portada] => https://www.libromotor.com/imagenes/9781869/978186982697.JPG [ruta_portada] => https://www.libromotor.com/imagenes/9781869/978186982697.JPG [comprable] => 1 [sinopsis_editor] => Selected articles from Cycle World Magazine covering the Mach IV, 250, 350, 500, 750 Three, Dunstall CR90, 400, Mach. ll, 900Z-1, KZ400, 650, 750, 1000, KH400. 180 illus. 80 pages. SB.
[sinopsis_breve] => Selected articles from Cycle World Magazine covering the Mach IV, 250, 350, 500, 750 Three, Dunstall CR90, 400, Mach [sinopsis_mediana] => Selected articles from Cycle World Magazine covering the Mach IV, 250, 350, 500, 750 Three, Dunstall CR90, 400, Mach. ll, 900Z-1, KZ400, 650, 750, 1000, KH400. 180 illus. 80 pages. SB. [precio_descuento] => 15.00 [precio_bruto_descuento] => 14.42 [descuento] => 0 [tipo_descuento] => [descripcion_descuento] => [hayDisponible] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [codigo] => 11028 [tipo_articulo] => L0 [clasificacion] => 34 [descripcion] => KAWASAKI 500 750 TRIPLES PERFORMANCE PORTFOLIO 1969-1976 [subtitulo] => [autor] => [traductor] => [nombre_editorial] => BROOKLANDS BOOKS LTD [pais] => [nombre_coleccion] => [es_novedad] => N [pvp] => 4409 [pvp_euros] => 26.50 [pvp_bruto] => 25.48 [isbn] => 978-1-85520-523-9 [ean] => 9781855205239 [estado_libro] => 0 [tmr] => 24.00 [proxima_aparicion] => 0000-00-00 [stockfirme] => 1 [editorial] => 30 [coleccion] => [num_coleccion] => [coleccion_arti] => 1 [ancho] => 200 [alto] => 270 [ilustraciones] => 0 [numero_paginas] => 140 [formato] => PORTADA EN RUSTICA [tema_interes] => 021KAW [origen_edicion] => [fecha_edicion] => [agno_ultima_edi] => [numero_edicion] => [ilustrador] => [ebook_codigo] => [ebook_ref_gt] => [ebook_size] => [ebook_derechos] => [ebook_permisos] => [ebook_url] => [ebook_num_descargas] => [ebook_link_portada] => [ebook_link_portada_orig] => [ebook_cod_distribuidora] => [ebook_permiso_venta] => [ebook_paises] => [ebook_formato] => [ebook_drm] => [ean_portada] => 9781855205239 [idioma] => INGLES [precio_oferta] => [cod_tema] => 021KAW [tema] => KAWASAKI [titulo_alt] => [subtitulo_alt] => [autor_alt] => [editorial_alt] => [numero_paginas_alt] => [pvp_euros_alt] => [url_alt] => [idioma_alt] => [sinopsis] => [nombre_portada_canonical] => [unidad_min_venta] => [familia] => ROAD TEST MOTORCYCLES BROOKLAND (INGLES) [tope_oferta] => [vender] => [referencia] => [impuesto] => 4 [pack] => N [libre_1] => KA [link_editorial] => L2VkaXRvcmlhbC9icm9va2xhbmRzLWJvb2tzLWx0ZC0vMzAv [pvp_euros_2decimales] => 26,50 [ano_edicion] => [descripcion_limitada] => KAWASAKI 500 750 TRIPLES PERFORMANCE PORTFOLIO ... [titulo_completo] => KAWASAKI 500 750 TRIPLES PERFORMANCE PORTFOLIO 1969-1976 [titulo] => KAWASAKI 500 750 TRIPLES PERFORMANCE PORTFOLIO 1969-1976 [autores] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [codigo] => [link_autor] => [descripcion] =>   ) ) [cod_disponibilidad] => 3 [disponibilidad] => En stock [class_disponibilidad] => green [tema_web] => Array ( [codigo] => 148 [nivel] => 2502 [descripcion] => Marcas en varios idiomas [link] => /libros-de/marcas-en-varios-idiomas-2502/ ) [preventa] => N [link] => /libro/kawasaki-500-750-triples-performance-portfolio-1969-1976_11028 [link_portada] => https://www.libromotor.com/imagenes/9781855/978185520523.JPG [ruta_portada] => https://www.libromotor.com/imagenes/9781855/978185520523.JPG [comprable] => 1 [sinopsis_editor] => Road tests, new model introductions, specifications, performance data, inside look, racing, model guide. 31 articles cover H1, H1D, H1E, H1F, H1R, H2, H2R, Mach III & IV. 140 pages, 250+ illus. Soft Bound.
[sinopsis_breve] => Road tests, new model introductions, specifications, performance data, inside look, racing, model guide. 31 articles [sinopsis_mediana] => Road tests, new model introductions, specifications, performance data, inside look, racing, model guide. 31 articles cover H1, H1D, H1E, H1F, H1R, H2, H2R, Mach III & IV. 140 pages, 250+ illus. Soft Bound. [precio_descuento] => 26.50 [precio_bruto_descuento] => 25.48 [descuento] => 0 [tipo_descuento] => [descripcion_descuento] => [hayDisponible] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [codigo] => 11029 [tipo_articulo] => L0 [clasificacion] => 34 [descripcion] => KAWASAKI GPZ900R NINJA PERFORMANCE PORTFOLIO 1984-1996 [subtitulo] => [autor] => [traductor] => [nombre_editorial] => BROOKLANDS BOOKS LTD [pais] => [nombre_coleccion] => [es_novedad] => N [pvp] => 4409 [pvp_euros] => 26.50 [pvp_bruto] => 25.48 [isbn] => 978-1-85520-557-4 [ean] => 9781855205574 [estado_libro] => 0 [tmr] => 24.00 [proxima_aparicion] => 0000-00-00 [stockfirme] => 1 [editorial] => 30 [coleccion] => [num_coleccion] => [coleccion_arti] => 1 [ancho] => [alto] => [ilustraciones] => 0 [numero_paginas] => 0 [formato] => [tema_interes] => 021KAW [origen_edicion] => [fecha_edicion] => [agno_ultima_edi] => [numero_edicion] => [ilustrador] => [ebook_codigo] => [ebook_ref_gt] => [ebook_size] => [ebook_derechos] => [ebook_permisos] => [ebook_url] => [ebook_num_descargas] => [ebook_link_portada] => [ebook_link_portada_orig] => [ebook_cod_distribuidora] => [ebook_permiso_venta] => [ebook_paises] => [ebook_formato] => [ebook_drm] => [ean_portada] => 9781855205574 [idioma] => INGLES [precio_oferta] => [cod_tema] => 021KAW [tema] => KAWASAKI [titulo_alt] => [subtitulo_alt] => [autor_alt] => [editorial_alt] => [numero_paginas_alt] => [pvp_euros_alt] => [url_alt] => [idioma_alt] => [sinopsis] => [nombre_portada_canonical] => [unidad_min_venta] => [familia] => ROAD TEST MOTORCYCLES BROOKLAND (INGLES) [tope_oferta] => [vender] => [referencia] => [impuesto] => 4 [pack] => N [libre_1] => KA [link_editorial] => L2VkaXRvcmlhbC9icm9va2xhbmRzLWJvb2tzLWx0ZC0vMzAv [pvp_euros_2decimales] => 26,50 [ano_edicion] => [descripcion_limitada] => KAWASAKI GPZ900R NINJA PERFORMANCE PORTFOLIO 19... [titulo_completo] => KAWASAKI GPZ900R NINJA PERFORMANCE PORTFOLIO 1984-1996 [titulo] => KAWASAKI GPZ900R NINJA PERFORMANCE PORTFOLIO 1984-1996 [autores] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [codigo] => [link_autor] => [descripcion] =>   ) ) [cod_disponibilidad] => 3 [disponibilidad] => En stock [class_disponibilidad] => green [tema_web] => Array ( [codigo] => 148 [nivel] => 2502 [descripcion] => Marcas en varios idiomas [link] => /libros-de/marcas-en-varios-idiomas-2502/ ) [preventa] => N [link] => /libro/kawasaki-gpz900r-ninja-performance-portfolio-1984-1996_11029 [link_portada] => https://www.libromotor.com/imagenes/9781855/978185520557.JPG [ruta_portada] => https://www.libromotor.com/imagenes/9781855/978185520557.JPG [comprable] => 1 [sinopsis_editor] => The story of Kawasakis GPZ 900R Ninja is told from its inception in 1984 through to the A8 model. 25 articles of road tests, model introductions, comparisons, etc. Models covered: A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7 and A8 including some colour pages. 140 pages, 250+ illus. Soft Bound.

[sinopsis_breve] => The story of Kawasakis GPZ 900R Ninja is told from its inception in 1984 through to the A8 model. 25 articles of roa [sinopsis_mediana] => The story of Kawasakis GPZ 900R Ninja is told from its inception in 1984 through to the A8 model. 25 articles of road tests, model introductions, comparisons, etc. Models covered: A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7 and A8 including some colour pages. 140 pages, 250+ illus. Soft Bound. [precio_descuento] => 26.50 [precio_bruto_descuento] => 25.48 [descuento] => 0 [tipo_descuento] => [descripcion_descuento] => [hayDisponible] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [codigo] => 23318 [tipo_articulo] => L0 [clasificacion] => 21 [descripcion] => THE KAWASAKI Z1 STORY [subtitulo] => [autor] => DAVID SHEEHAN [traductor] => [nombre_editorial] => VELOCE PUBLISHING PLC [pais] => [nombre_coleccion] => [es_novedad] => N [pvp] => 4160 [pvp_euros] => 25.00 [pvp_bruto] => 24.04 [isbn] => 978-1-84584-807-1 [ean] => 9781845848071 [estado_libro] => 0 [tmr] => 24.00 [proxima_aparicion] => 0000-00-00 [stockfirme] => 1 [editorial] => 256 [coleccion] => [num_coleccion] => [coleccion_arti] => 1 [ancho] => 148 [alto] => 210 [ilustraciones] => 135 [numero_paginas] => 256 [formato] => [tema_interes] => 021KAW [origen_edicion] => [fecha_edicion] => [agno_ultima_edi] => [numero_edicion] => 1 [ilustrador] => [ebook_codigo] => [ebook_ref_gt] => [ebook_size] => [ebook_derechos] => [ebook_permisos] => [ebook_url] => [ebook_num_descargas] => [ebook_link_portada] => [ebook_link_portada_orig] => [ebook_cod_distribuidora] => [ebook_permiso_venta] => [ebook_paises] => [ebook_formato] => [ebook_drm] => [ean_portada] => 9781845848071 [idioma] => INGLES [precio_oferta] => [cod_tema] => 021KAW [tema] => KAWASAKI [titulo_alt] => [subtitulo_alt] => [autor_alt] => [editorial_alt] => [numero_paginas_alt] => [pvp_euros_alt] => [url_alt] => [idioma_alt] => [sinopsis] => [nombre_portada_canonical] => [unidad_min_venta] => [familia] => LIBROS POR MARCAS DE MOTOS (VARIOS IDIOMAS) [tope_oferta] => [vender] => [referencia] => [impuesto] => 4 [pack] => N [libre_1] => [link_editorial] => L2VkaXRvcmlhbC92ZWxvY2UtcHVibGlzaGluZy1wbGMtLzI1Ni8= [pvp_euros_2decimales] => 25,00 [ano_edicion] => [descripcion_limitada] => THE KAWASAKI Z1 STORY [titulo_completo] => THE KAWASAKI Z1 STORY [titulo] => THE KAWASAKI Z1 STORY [autores] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [codigo] => [link_autor] => L2F1dG9yL2RhdmlkLXNoZWVoYW4v [descripcion] => DAVID SHEEHAN ) ) [cod_disponibilidad] => 3 [disponibilidad] => En stock [class_disponibilidad] => green [tema_web] => Array ( [codigo] => 148 [nivel] => 2502 [descripcion] => Marcas en varios idiomas [link] => /libros-de/marcas-en-varios-idiomas-2502/ ) [preventa] => N [link] => /libro/the-kawasaki-z1-story_23318 [link_portada] => https://www.libromotor.com/imagenes/9781845/978184584807.JPG [ruta_portada] => https://www.libromotor.com/imagenes/9781845/978184584807.JPG [comprable] => 1 [sinopsis_editor] => Features

• An unrivalled account of the Z1's record-breaking feat in Daytona in 1973
• From the author of ‘Superbike and the 70s’ – Vintage Motor Cycle magazine’s Book of 2013
• Examines the myths and uncovers the truth about the Z1's first race win
• Over 100 photographs and illustrations, some never previously published
• Reveals not only the bike that shaped motorcycling, but also the era that shaped the Z1
• Sheehan recreates Cycle magazine's seminal Superbike 'Big 7' road tests
• Foreword by Cook Neilson, former Editor of Cycle magazine
• Neilson on Sheehan's account of the editor's visit to Japan to preview the Z1: A great trip, well told
• ‘… it reads like a thriller’ – The Road, Motorcycle Action Group club journal

The Kawasaki Z1 Story tells how the smallest of Japan’s Big Four motorcycle manufacturers nearly beat the world’s biggest to become the first to the market with a Four, and how Honda’s CB750 debut almost spelled the end for the Z-1 … before Kawasaki stunned everybody with something bigger, faster, and better!

Just as Kawasaki was about to green-light the world’s first mass-produced across-the-frame four-cylinder motorcycle, Honda pulled the rug out from under them, unveiling the CB750-4 at the Tokyo Show in 1968. It lit the fuse for what was to become motorcycling’s most explosive decade.
In never before published interviews, with the men responsible for the bike code-named ‘New York Steak,’ Dave Sheehan relates the story behind the Z1’s development; the secret US testing programme in which a team including Imola-race winner Paul Smart rode pre-production bikes disguised as Hondas coast-to-coast across America.
The Kawasaki Z1 Story examines the myth, truth and legend surrounding the Z1’s first race win – of which even Kawasaki knew nothing. Here, too, is the full story of the epic three days at Florida’s legendary Daytona Speedway when a trio of Z1s broke more than 50 speed endurance records.
Additional Information

Covers the period 1837-1978, but with particular focus on 1972.
[sinopsis_breve] => Features• An unrivalled account of the Z1's record-breaking feat in Daytona in 1973• From the author of ‘Superbike a [sinopsis_mediana] => Features• An unrivalled account of the Z1's record-breaking feat in Daytona in 1973• From the author of ‘Superbike and the 70s’ – Vintage Motor Cycle magazine’s Book of 2013• Examines the myths and uncovers the truth about the Z1's first race win• Over 100 photographs and illustrations, some never previously published• Reveals not only the bike that shaped motorcycling, but als [precio_descuento] => 25.00 [precio_bruto_descuento] => 24.04 [descuento] => 0 [tipo_descuento] => [descripcion_descuento] => [hayDisponible] => 1 ) [5] => Array ( [codigo] => 20877 [tipo_articulo] => L0 [clasificacion] => 21 [descripcion] => KAWASAKI (K) Z1000 Z1-R [subtitulo] => [autor] => TONY SCULPHER [traductor] => [nombre_editorial] => CROWOOD PRESS [pais] => [nombre_coleccion] => [es_novedad] => N [pvp] => 4659 [pvp_euros] => 28.00 [pvp_bruto] => 26.92 [isbn] => 978-1-84797-144-9 [ean] => 9781847971449 [estado_libro] => 0 [tmr] => 24.00 [proxima_aparicion] => 0000-00-00 [stockfirme] => 1 [editorial] => 51 [coleccion] => [num_coleccion] => [coleccion_arti] => 1 [ancho] => 200 [alto] => 255 [ilustraciones] => 200 [numero_paginas] => 207 [formato] => PORTADA DURA CON CARATULA [tema_interes] => 021KAW [origen_edicion] => [fecha_edicion] => [agno_ultima_edi] => [numero_edicion] => 1 [ilustrador] => [ebook_codigo] => [ebook_ref_gt] => [ebook_size] => [ebook_derechos] => [ebook_permisos] => [ebook_url] => [ebook_num_descargas] => [ebook_link_portada] => [ebook_link_portada_orig] => [ebook_cod_distribuidora] => [ebook_permiso_venta] => [ebook_paises] => [ebook_formato] => [ebook_drm] => [ean_portada] => 9781847971449 [idioma] => INGLES [precio_oferta] => [cod_tema] => 021KAW [tema] => KAWASAKI [titulo_alt] => [subtitulo_alt] => [autor_alt] => [editorial_alt] => [numero_paginas_alt] => [pvp_euros_alt] => [url_alt] => [idioma_alt] => [sinopsis] => [nombre_portada_canonical] => [unidad_min_venta] => [familia] => LIBROS POR MARCAS DE MOTOS (VARIOS IDIOMAS) [tope_oferta] => [vender] => [referencia] => [impuesto] => 4 [pack] => N [libre_1] => [link_editorial] => L2VkaXRvcmlhbC9jcm93b29kLXByZXNzLS81MS8= [pvp_euros_2decimales] => 28,00 [ano_edicion] => [descripcion_limitada] => KAWASAKI (K) Z1000 Z1-R [titulo_completo] => KAWASAKI (K) Z1000 Z1-R [titulo] => KAWASAKI (K) Z1000 Z1-R [autores] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [codigo] => [link_autor] => L2F1dG9yL3Rvbnktc2N1bHBoZXIv [descripcion] => TONY SCULPHER ) ) [cod_disponibilidad] => 3 [disponibilidad] => En stock [class_disponibilidad] => green [tema_web] => Array ( [codigo] => 148 [nivel] => 2502 [descripcion] => Marcas en varios idiomas [link] => /libros-de/marcas-en-varios-idiomas-2502/ ) [preventa] => N [link] => /libro/kawasaki-k-z1000-z1-r_20877 [link_portada] => https://www.libromotor.com/imagenes/9781847/978184797144.JPG [ruta_portada] => https://www.libromotor.com/imagenes/9781847/978184797144.JPG [comprable] => 1 [sinopsis_editor] => Designed as Kawasaki's response to the ground-breaking Honda CB750 of 1969, the Kawasaki 900 Super 4 Model Z1, affectionately referred to by many as the 'Z1000', appeared in 1972. It took the motorcycling world by storm and has a strong claim to be the world's first true ultimate superbike. Thirty years on, the (K)Z1000 Z1-R has emerged as one of Kawasaki's most desirable and sought after collectables from the 1970s. This book will help the reader appreciate the ever-evolving Japanese motorcycle styling and the introduction of various technologies as standard equipment, and just how sensational and unique these motorbikes really were. [sinopsis_breve] => Designed as Kawasaki's response to the ground-breaking Honda CB750 of 1969, the Kawasaki 900 Super 4 Model Z1, affec [sinopsis_mediana] => Designed as Kawasaki's response to the ground-breaking Honda CB750 of 1969, the Kawasaki 900 Super 4 Model Z1, affectionately referred to by many as the 'Z1000', appeared in 1972. It took the motorcycling world by storm and has a strong claim to be the world's first true ultimate superbike. Thirty years on, the (K)Z1000 Z1-R has emerged as one of Kawasaki's most desirable and s [precio_descuento] => 28.00 [precio_bruto_descuento] => 26.92 [descuento] => 0 [tipo_descuento] => [descripcion_descuento] => [hayDisponible] => 1 ) ) [variantes] => Array ( ) )