52,00 €
IVA incluido
Disponible en 1 semana
Marcas en varios idiomas
310 mm x 235 mm
52,00 €
IVA incluido
Disponible en 1 semana
Añadir a favoritos

Matra, c'est une histoire de passion, de coup de génie, et d'une sérieuse dose de conviction ! Le rêve technologique et commercial d'un jeune chef d'entreprise novateur et offensif qui décide de créer, en partant de rien ou presque, une marque et un modèle d'automobile pour la jeunesse bondissante des années 1960. C'est, quelques années plus tard, la M 530, anticonformiste et provocante, la Bagheera au succès évident, l'étonnante carrière de la Simca Rancho et l'aboutissement logique de la Talbot Murena. L'aventure routière de Matra, c'est aussi une pépinière de talents pour anticiper les succès d'avenir. De multiples prototypes et projets dont certains, à l'instar du coup de maître de la Renault Espace, sont déjà entrés dans l'histoire automobile comme des cas d'école.

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    [codigo] => 1210
    [tipo_articulo] => L0
    [clasificacion] => 100
    [descripcion] => MATRA DE ROUTE
    [subtitulo] => 
    [autor] => DOMINIQUE PAGNEUX
    [traductor] => 
    [nombre_editorial] => ETAI 
    [pais] => 
    [nombre_coleccion] => 
    [es_novedad] => N
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    [sinopsis_editor] => Matra, c'est une histoire de passion, de coup de génie, et d'une sérieuse dose de conviction ! Le rêve technologique et commercial d'un jeune chef d'entreprise novateur et offensif qui décide de créer, en partant de rien ou presque, une marque et un modèle d'automobile pour la jeunesse bondissante des années 1960. C'est, quelques années plus tard, la M 530, anticonformiste et provocante, la Bagheera au succès évident, l'étonnante carrière de la Simca Rancho et l'aboutissement logique de la Talbot Murena. L'aventure routière de Matra, c'est aussi une pépinière de talents pour anticiper les succès d'avenir. De multiples prototypes et projets dont certains, à l'instar du coup de maître de la Renault Espace, sont déjà entrés dans l'histoire automobile comme des cas d'école. 
    [sinopsis_breve] => Matra, c'est une histoire de passion, de coup de génie, et d'une sérieuse dose de conviction ! Le rêve technologique
    [sinopsis_mediana] => Matra, c'est une histoire de passion, de coup de génie, et d'une sérieuse dose de conviction ! Le rêve technologique et commercial d'un jeune chef d'entreprise novateur et offensif qui décide de créer, en partant de rien ou presque, une marque et un modèle d'automobile pour la jeunesse bondissante des années 1960. C'est, quelques années plus tard, la M 530, anticonformiste et p
    [precio_descuento] => 52.00
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    [relacionados] => Array
            [0] => Array
                    [codigo] => 25494
                    [tipo_articulo] => L0
                    [clasificacion] => 100
                    [descripcion] => LA MATRA 530 DE MON PÈRE
                    [subtitulo] => 
                    [autor] => ANDRÉ DEWAEL
                    [traductor] => 
                    [nombre_editorial] => ETAI 
                    [pais] => 
                    [nombre_coleccion] => 
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                    [pvp] => 5491
                    [pvp_euros] => 33.00
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                    [formato] => PORTADA DURA
                    [tema_interes] => 001MAT
                    [origen_edicion] => 
                    [fecha_edicion] => 
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                    [idioma] => FRANCES
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                    [cod_tema] => 001MAT
                    [tema] => MATRA
                    [titulo_alt] => 
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                    [link_editorial] => L2VkaXRvcmlhbC9ldGFpLS85MS8=
                    [pvp_euros_2decimales] => 33,00
                    [ano_edicion] => 
                    [descripcion_limitada] => LA MATRA 530 DE MON PÈRE
                    [titulo_completo] => LA MATRA 530 DE MON PÈRE
                    [titulo] => LA MATRA 530 DE MON PÈRE
                    [autores] => Array
                            [0] => Array
                                    [codigo] => 
                                    [link_autor] => L2F1dG9yL2FuZHJlLWRld2FlbC8=
                                    [descripcion] => ANDRÉ DEWAEL


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                    [disponibilidad] => En stock
                    [class_disponibilidad] => green
                    [tema_web] => Array
                            [codigo] => 200
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                            [descripcion] => Marcas en varios idiomas
                            [link] => /libros-de/marcas-en-varios-idiomas-1002/

                    [preventa] => N
                    [link] => /libro/la-matra-530-de-mon-pere_25494
                    [link_portada] =>
                    [ruta_portada] =>
                    [comprable] => 1
                    [sinopsis_editor] => Conçue pour se distinguer par son originalité, la Matra 530 avait pour vocation d'être "la voiture des copains". Créée en 1967, la Matra 530 aux lignes apparentées à la Matra 620 de course présente un mix inédit : à la fois coupé et cabriolet, son moteur central et ses suspensions souples lui confèrent un grand confort et une tenue de route exceptionnelle. Typée davantage grand tourisme que sportive, la Matra 530 a séduit une toute autre clientèle que celle des copains. Elle sera produite à moins de dix mille exemplaires pendant sept ans. Seule 2+2 à moteur central offrant la possibilité de la balade à ciel ouvert, elle est aujourd'hui très recherchée par les amateurs avertis désireux de profiter de
l'originalité de sa conception. Grâce aux témoignages de ses concepteurs et à une iconographie souvent inédite, l'auteur relate toute l'histoire d'une automobile française atypique. [sinopsis_breve] => Conçue pour se distinguer par son originalité, la Matra 530 avait pour vocation d'être "la voiture des copains". Cré [sinopsis_mediana] => Conçue pour se distinguer par son originalité, la Matra 530 avait pour vocation d'être "la voiture des copains". Créée en 1967, la Matra 530 aux lignes apparentées à la Matra 620 de course présente un mix inédit : à la fois coupé et cabriolet, son moteur central et ses suspensions souples lui confèrent un grand confort et une tenue de route exceptionnelle. Typée davantage grand [precio_descuento] => 33.00 [precio_bruto_descuento] => 31.73 [descuento] => 0 [tipo_descuento] => [descripcion_descuento] => [hayDisponible] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [codigo] => 1205 [tipo_articulo] => L0 [clasificacion] => 100 [descripcion] => MATRA AU MANS [subtitulo] => [autor] => FRANCOIS HUREL [traductor] => [nombre_editorial] => PALMIER EDITIONS ET LIBRAIRE AUTOMOBILE DU [pais] => [nombre_coleccion] => [es_novedad] => N [pvp] => 4992 [pvp_euros] => 30.00 [pvp_bruto] => 28.85 [isbn] => 978-2-914920-31-5 [ean] => 9782914920315 [estado_libro] => 2 [tmr] => 12.00 [proxima_aparicion] => 0000-00-00 [stockfirme] => 1 [editorial] => 63 [coleccion] => [num_coleccion] => [coleccion_arti] => 1 [ancho] => 206 [alto] => 277 [ilustraciones] => 0 [numero_paginas] => 191 [formato] => PORTADA DURA SIN CARATULA [tema_interes] => 001MAT [origen_edicion] => [fecha_edicion] => [agno_ultima_edi] => [numero_edicion] => [ilustrador] => [ebook_codigo] => [ebook_ref_gt] => [ebook_size] 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=> [link_autor] => L2F1dG9yL2ZyYW5jb2lzLWh1cmVsLw== [descripcion] => FRANCOIS HUREL ) ) [cod_disponibilidad] => 3 [disponibilidad] => En stock [class_disponibilidad] => green [tema_web] => Array ( [codigo] => 200 [nivel] => 1002 [descripcion] => Marcas en varios idiomas [link] => /libros-de/marcas-en-varios-idiomas-1002/ ) [preventa] => N [link] => /libro/matra-au-mans_1205 [link_portada] => [ruta_portada] => [comprable] => 1 [sinopsis_editor] => [sinopsis_breve] => [sinopsis_mediana] => [precio_descuento] => 30.00 [precio_bruto_descuento] => 28.85 [descuento] => 0 [tipo_descuento] => [descripcion_descuento] => [hayDisponible] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [codigo] => 1209 [tipo_articulo] => L0 [clasificacion] => 100 [descripcion] => MATRA LA SAGA 1965-1982 [subtitulo] => [autor] => J.ROSINSKI [traductor] => [nombre_editorial] => ETAI [pais] => [nombre_coleccion] => [es_novedad] => N [pvp] => 8652 [pvp_euros] => 52.00 [pvp_bruto] => 50.00 [isbn] => 978-2-7268-8301-3 [ean] => 9782726883013 [estado_libro] => 2 [tmr] => 4.00 [proxima_aparicion] => 0000-00-00 [stockfirme] => 1 [editorial] => 91 [coleccion] => [num_coleccion] => [coleccion_arti] => 1 [ancho] => 242 [alto] => 315 [ilustraciones] => 0 [numero_paginas] => 192 [formato] => PORTADA DURA CON CARATULA [tema_interes] => 001MAT [origen_edicion] => [fecha_edicion] => [agno_ultima_edi] => 1997 [numero_edicion] => [ilustrador] => [ebook_codigo] => [ebook_ref_gt] => [ebook_size] => [ebook_derechos] => [ebook_permisos] => [ebook_url] => [ebook_num_descargas] => [ebook_link_portada] => [ebook_link_portada_orig] => [ebook_cod_distribuidora] => [ebook_permiso_venta] => [ebook_paises] => [ebook_formato] => [ebook_drm] => [ean_portada] => 9782726883013 [idioma] => FRANCES [precio_oferta] => [cod_tema] => 001MAT [tema] => MATRA [titulo_alt] => [subtitulo_alt] => [autor_alt] => [editorial_alt] => [numero_paginas_alt] => [pvp_euros_alt] => [url_alt] => [idioma_alt] => [sinopsis] => [nombre_portada_canonical] => [unidad_min_venta] => [familia] => MARCAS AUTOMOVILES VARIOS IDIOMAS (VARIOS IDIOMAS) [tope_oferta] => [vender] => [referencia] => [impuesto] => 4 [pack] => N [libre_1] => M [link_editorial] => L2VkaXRvcmlhbC9ldGFpLS85MS8= [pvp_euros_2decimales] => 52,00 [ano_edicion] => [descripcion_limitada] => MATRA LA SAGA 1965-1982 [titulo_completo] => MATRA LA SAGA 1965-1982 [titulo] => MATRA LA SAGA 1965-1982 [autores] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [codigo] => [link_autor] => L2F1dG9yL2otcm9zaW5za2kv [descripcion] => J.ROSINSKI ) ) [cod_disponibilidad] => 3 [disponibilidad] => En stock [class_disponibilidad] => green [tema_web] => Array ( [codigo] => 200 [nivel] => 1002 [descripcion] => Marcas en varios idiomas [link] => /libros-de/marcas-en-varios-idiomas-1002/ ) [preventa] => N [link] => /libro/matra-la-saga-1965-1982_1209 [link_portada] => [ruta_portada] => [comprable] => 1 [sinopsis_editor] => [sinopsis_breve] => [sinopsis_mediana] => [precio_descuento] => 52.00 [precio_bruto_descuento] => 50.00 [descuento] => 0 [tipo_descuento] => [descripcion_descuento] => [hayDisponible] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [codigo] => 1207 [tipo_articulo] => L0 [clasificacion] => 100 [descripcion] => MATRA LA PASSION DE LA INNOVATION [subtitulo] => [autor] => CHRISTIAN LONGUEVILLE [traductor] => [nombre_editorial] => EPA HACHETTE EDITION LIVRE [pais] => [nombre_coleccion] => [es_novedad] => N [pvp] => 6905 [pvp_euros] => 41.50 [pvp_bruto] => 39.90 [isbn] => 978-2-01-236431-8 [ean] => 9782012364318 [estado_libro] => 2 [tmr] => 0.00 [proxima_aparicion] => 0000-00-00 [stockfirme] => 3 [editorial] => 88 [coleccion] => [num_coleccion] => [coleccion_arti] => 1 [ancho] => [alto] => [ilustraciones] => 0 [numero_paginas] => 0 [formato] => [tema_interes] => 001MAT [origen_edicion] => [fecha_edicion] => [agno_ultima_edi] => [numero_edicion] => [ilustrador] => [ebook_codigo] => [ebook_ref_gt] => [ebook_size] => [ebook_derechos] => [ebook_permisos] => [ebook_url] => [ebook_num_descargas] => [ebook_link_portada] => [ebook_link_portada_orig] => [ebook_cod_distribuidora] => [ebook_permiso_venta] => [ebook_paises] => [ebook_formato] => [ebook_drm] => [ean_portada] => [idioma] => FRANCES [precio_oferta] => [cod_tema] => 001MAT [tema] => MATRA [titulo_alt] => [subtitulo_alt] => [autor_alt] => [editorial_alt] => [numero_paginas_alt] => [pvp_euros_alt] => [url_alt] => [idioma_alt] => [sinopsis] => [nombre_portada_canonical] => [unidad_min_venta] => [familia] => MARCAS AUTOMOVILES VARIOS IDIOMAS (VARIOS IDIOMAS) [tope_oferta] => [vender] => [referencia] => [impuesto] => 4 [pack] => N [libre_1] => M [link_editorial] => L2VkaXRvcmlhbC9lcGEtaGFjaGV0dGUtZWRpdGlvbi1saXZyZS84OC8= [pvp_euros_2decimales] => 41,50 [ano_edicion] => [descripcion_limitada] => MATRA LA PASSION DE LA INNOVATION [titulo_completo] => MATRA LA PASSION DE LA INNOVATION [titulo] => MATRA LA PASSION DE LA INNOVATION [autores] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [codigo] => [link_autor] => L2F1dG9yL2NocmlzdGlhbi1sb25ndWV2aWxsZS8= [descripcion] => CHRISTIAN LONGUEVILLE ) ) [cod_disponibilidad] => 2 [disponibilidad] => En stock [class_disponibilidad] => green [tema_web] => Array ( [codigo] => 200 [nivel] => 1002 [descripcion] => Marcas en varios idiomas [link] => /libros-de/marcas-en-varios-idiomas-1002/ ) [preventa] => N [link] => /libro/matra-la-passion-de-la-innovation_1207 [link_portada] => [link_portada_grande] => [ruta_portada] => [comprable] => 1 [sinopsis_editor] => [sinopsis_breve] => [sinopsis_mediana] => [precio_descuento] => 41.50 [precio_bruto_descuento] => 39.90 [descuento] => 0 [tipo_descuento] => [descripcion_descuento] => [hayDisponible] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [codigo] => 22225 [tipo_articulo] => L0 [clasificacion] => 15 [descripcion] => MATRA ROAD TEST PORTFOLIO [subtitulo] => [autor] => [traductor] => [nombre_editorial] => BROOKLANDS BOOKS LTD [pais] => [nombre_coleccion] => [es_novedad] => N [pvp] => 5075 [pvp_euros] => 30.50 [pvp_bruto] => 29.33 [isbn] => 978-1-85520-945-9 [ean] => 9781855209459 [estado_libro] => 0 [tmr] => 24.00 [proxima_aparicion] => 0000-00-00 [stockfirme] => 0 [editorial] => 30 [coleccion] => [num_coleccion] => [coleccion_arti] => 1 [ancho] => 210 [alto] => 280 [ilustraciones] => 0 [numero_paginas] => 198 [formato] => PORTADA EN RUSTICA [tema_interes] => 001MAT [origen_edicion] => [fecha_edicion] => [agno_ultima_edi] => [numero_edicion] => 1 [ilustrador] => [ebook_codigo] => [ebook_ref_gt] => [ebook_size] => [ebook_derechos] => [ebook_permisos] => [ebook_url] => [ebook_num_descargas] => [ebook_link_portada] => [ebook_link_portada_orig] => [ebook_cod_distribuidora] => [ebook_permiso_venta] => [ebook_paises] => [ebook_formato] => [ebook_drm] => [ean_portada] => 9781855209459 [idioma] => INGLES [precio_oferta] => [cod_tema] => 001MAT [tema] => MATRA [titulo_alt] => [subtitulo_alt] => [autor_alt] => [editorial_alt] => [numero_paginas_alt] => [pvp_euros_alt] => [url_alt] => [idioma_alt] => [sinopsis] => [nombre_portada_canonical] => [unidad_min_venta] => [familia] => ROAD TEST EDITORIAL BROOKLAND (INGLES) [tope_oferta] => [vender] => [referencia] => [impuesto] => 4 [pack] => N [libre_1] => [link_editorial] => L2VkaXRvcmlhbC9icm9va2xhbmRzLWJvb2tzLWx0ZC0vMzAv [pvp_euros_2decimales] => 30,50 [ano_edicion] => [descripcion_limitada] => MATRA ROAD TEST PORTFOLIO [titulo_completo] => MATRA ROAD TEST PORTFOLIO [titulo] => MATRA ROAD TEST PORTFOLIO [autores] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [codigo] => [link_autor] => [descripcion] =>   ) ) [cod_disponibilidad] => 15 [disponibilidad] => Disponible en 1 mes [class_disponibilidad] => orange [tema_web] => Array ( [codigo] => 200 [nivel] => 1002 [descripcion] => Marcas en varios idiomas [link] => /libros-de/marcas-en-varios-idiomas-1002/ ) [preventa] => N [link] => /libro/matra-road-test-portfolio_22225 [link_portada] => [ruta_portada] => [comprable] => 1 [sinopsis_editor] => Matra Automobile was a small part of the Matra (Mechanique, Aviation et TRAction) group, a large company specialising in aerospace, defence and communications, as well as cars. It came into being in 1964 making GRP bodies for the Rene Bonnet Djet, a pretty coupe based on Renault 8 mechanicals. In 1965 Matra took over the René Bonnet company and continued to produce the Djet under its own name.
In 1967 the Djet was replaced by the 530, the first car wholly designed by Matra, powered by a mid-mounted Ford Taunus V4 engine. Matra can be said to be the pioneers of the mid-engined layout in road cars. At the same time, Matra was competing successfully in motorsport, in Formula 1, Formula 2 and Formula 3 as well as sports cars. In 1969 Sir Jackie Stewart won his first F1 World Championship in a Matra and Matra also won the constructors’ championship in the same year. In sports cars, Matra won the Le Mans 24 hour race three years in succession in 1972, 1973 and 1974. Initially Matra used Cosworth engines, but went on to develop the legendary Matra V12 engine, which continued to be used in Ligier cars after Matra pulled out of motorsport. Both the Djet and the 530 were built and sold in relatively small numbers due to the lack of a Matra dealer network. In 1973, in order to rectify this, Matra entered into a partnership with Simca in order to produce a sports car that could be sold and serviced through the Simca dealer network and thus was born the Bagheera. The Bagheera was a mid engined sports coupé using mechanical components from the Simca 1307, sold in the UK as the Chrysler Alpine. In spite of a small engine size, its light weight and aerodynamic shape gave it a lively performance. It was unique in that it had a three-abreast seating layout.

The Bagheera was followed by the Rancho, a rugged utility vehicle based on the Simca 1100 featuring six seats in three rows. It was aimed at a market that wanted a vehicle of this type but without the cost and complexity of four wheel drive. In 1979 Chrysler sold their European interests to Peugeot and the branding of the Rancho and Bagheera models was changed from Matra-Simca to Talbot–Matra. In 1980, the Bagheera was replaced by the Murena, a similar layout to the Bagheera, but with a choice of two larger engines, of 1.6 and 2.2 litres, and with a galvanised steel frame, resulting in greatly improved longevity.

In the early 1980s, Matra produced a new design for a utility vehicle to replace the Rancho. The design was offered to Peugeot who declined to put it into production. The design was then offered to Renault, who decided to market it under their own name as the Espace. Peugeot sold their stake in Matra to Renault, the Romorantin factory was turned over to Espace production for Renault in 1984 and production of the Rancho and Murena ceased. Matra continued to build the Espace for Renault until 2003, as well as the Avantime coupe, based on the Series 3 Espace, but Renault then took over Espace production themselves and the Romorantin factory was closed and has since been demolished to make way for housing. The name Matra still lives on as Matra MS, a company making battery powered transport solutions.

Internationally famous in motor racing circles since the 1960s, Matra has also produced many high performance sports cars and road vehicles. Types reported on: Djet, M530, M650, Bagheera, Murena, Rancho, Espace phase I, II, & III, Avantime, MS80, MS84, MS670B and many others. Included are new model introductions, road and comparison tests, a factory visit, full specifications & performance data plus a buyers guide.
[sinopsis_breve] => Matra Automobile was a small part of the Matra (Mechanique, Aviation et TRAction) group, a large company specialisin [sinopsis_mediana] => Matra Automobile was a small part of the Matra (Mechanique, Aviation et TRAction) group, a large company specialising in aerospace, defence and communications, as well as cars. It came into being in 1964 making GRP bodies for the Rene Bonnet Djet, a pretty coupe based on Renault 8 mechanicals. In 1965 Matra took over the René Bonnet company and continued to produce the Djet und [precio_descuento] => 30.50 [precio_bruto_descuento] => 29.33 [descuento] => 0 [tipo_descuento] => [descripcion_descuento] => [hayDisponible] => ) [5] => Array ( [codigo] => 7558 [tipo_articulo] => L0 [clasificacion] => 15 [descripcion] => MATRA 1965-1983 LIMITED EDITION [subtitulo] => [autor] => [traductor] => [nombre_editorial] => BROOKLANDS BOOKS LTD [pais] => [nombre_coleccion] => [es_novedad] => N [pvp] => 3494 [pvp_euros] => 21.00 [pvp_bruto] => 20.19 [isbn] => 978-1-85520-368-6 [ean] => 9781855203686 [estado_libro] => 0 [tmr] => 24.00 [proxima_aparicion] => 0000-00-00 [stockfirme] => 0 [editorial] => 30 [coleccion] => [num_coleccion] => [coleccion_arti] => 1 [ancho] => 200 [alto] => 270 [ilustraciones] => 0 [numero_paginas] => 92 [formato] => PORTADA EN RUSTICA [tema_interes] => 001MAT [origen_edicion] => [fecha_edicion] => [agno_ultima_edi] => [numero_edicion] => [ilustrador] => [ebook_codigo] => [ebook_ref_gt] => [ebook_size] => [ebook_derechos] => [ebook_permisos] => [ebook_url] => [ebook_num_descargas] => [ebook_link_portada] => [ebook_link_portada_orig] => [ebook_cod_distribuidora] => [ebook_permiso_venta] => [ebook_paises] => [ebook_formato] => [ebook_drm] => [ean_portada] => 9781855203686 [idioma] => INGLES [precio_oferta] => [cod_tema] => 001MAT [tema] => MATRA [titulo_alt] => [subtitulo_alt] => [autor_alt] => [editorial_alt] => [numero_paginas_alt] => [pvp_euros_alt] => [url_alt] => [idioma_alt] => [sinopsis] => [nombre_portada_canonical] => [unidad_min_venta] => [familia] => ROAD TEST EDITORIAL BROOKLAND (INGLES) [tope_oferta] => [vender] => [referencia] => [impuesto] => 4 [pack] => N [libre_1] => M [link_editorial] => L2VkaXRvcmlhbC9icm9va2xhbmRzLWJvb2tzLWx0ZC0vMzAv [pvp_euros_2decimales] => 21,00 [ano_edicion] => [descripcion_limitada] => MATRA 1965-1983 LIMITED EDITION [titulo_completo] => MATRA 1965-1983 LIMITED EDITION [titulo] => MATRA 1965-1983 LIMITED EDITION [autores] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [codigo] => [link_autor] => [descripcion] =>   ) ) [cod_disponibilidad] => 15 [disponibilidad] => Disponible en 1 mes [class_disponibilidad] => orange [tema_web] => Array ( [codigo] => 200 [nivel] => 1002 [descripcion] => Marcas en varios idiomas [link] => /libros-de/marcas-en-varios-idiomas-1002/ ) [preventa] => N [link] => /libro/matra-1965-1983-limited-edition_7558 [link_portada] => [ruta_portada] => [comprable] => 1 [sinopsis_editor] => MATRA 1965-1983 LIMITED EDITION

Matra production started very slowly in 1965, a few hundred cars being sold in Europe, in the meantime their Formula 3 cars were having some successes. The Djet 5 soon became the Djet 5S. The M530 was introduced in 1967 and handled through Simca, later owned by Chrysler. The Bagheera, designed to run at Le Mans introduced the revolutionary three-seater configuration with the engine at the back. There were various engine changes during the next few years. Chrysler jumped on the four-wheel-drive bandwagon with the Rancho in the late 1970s. Peugeot later took over the European arm of Chrysler in 1978 and the Bagheera ceased to be imported into the UK in 1979. The three-seater idea was continued with the Murena. This is a book of contemporary road and comparison tests, technical & specification data, driver’s impressions, history profile. Models covered include: Sports, Djet 5, Formula 2, M530, MS84, 660 Le Mans, MS120, Bagheera, Bagheera S, Rancho, Murena. 92 pages, 250 illus. SB
[sinopsis_breve] => MATRA 1965-1983 LIMITED EDITION Matra production started very slowly in 1965, a few hundred cars being sold in Euro [sinopsis_mediana] => MATRA 1965-1983 LIMITED EDITION Matra production started very slowly in 1965, a few hundred cars being sold in Europe, in the meantime their Formula 3 cars were having some successes. The Djet 5 soon became the Djet 5S. The M530 was introduced in 1967 and handled through Simca, later owned by Chrysler. The Bagheera, designed to run at Le Mans introduced the revolutionary three [precio_descuento] => 21.00 [precio_bruto_descuento] => 20.19 [descuento] => 0 [tipo_descuento] => [descripcion_descuento] => [hayDisponible] => ) ) [variantes] => Array ( ) )