This book cover all cars listed for sale in Britain during the 1920s:
Abbey ABC ABF Abingdon AC Accellera Adamson Aero Car Aeroford Airedale AJS Albatros Albert Alvis Amazon Anglo-Sphinx Angus-Sanderson Arab Argyll Ariel Armstrong-Siddeley Arrol-Aster Arrol-Johnston Ascot Ashby Ashton Ashton-Evans Aster Aston-Martin Astral Atomette Austin Autocrat Autogear AV Avro Baby Blake BAC Baguley Baines Barnard Baughan Bayliss Thomas Bean Bedford Buick Beardmore Bell Belsize Belsize-Bradshaw Bentley Beverley Beverley-Barnes Blackburn Black Prince Bleriot-Whippet Bond Bound Bowser Bow-V-Car Bramham British Eagle British Ensign British Imperia Briton Brocklebank Brompton BSA Buckingham Bugatti Buick Burney Calcott Calthorpe Cambro CAR Carden Carrow Castle Three Century CFB Challenge Chambers Charron-Laycock Chater Lea Chelsea Chevrolet Chiltern Christchurch-Campbell Chic Chrysler Citroën Clement-Talbot Cluley Clyde Comet Contantinesco Coltman Cooper Corona Cosmos Coventry Premier Coventry Victor Crewford Crossley Crouch Crown Ensign Crown Magnetic Cubitt CWS Daimler Dandy Darracq Dawson Day Dayton Day-Leeds Deemster Derek De Soto DL DLM Dodge Douglas Dunalastair Dunkley Duplex Economic Edmond Edmund Elmo Emms Emscote Enfield-Allday Ensign Eric-Campbell Eric-Longden Erskine Essex Euricar Fergus Fiat Flying Scotsman Ford Forster Foster Frazer Nash French Galloway GB Gerald Gibbons Gilchrist Gillett Gillyard Glover GN Gnome Goodyear Grahame-White Grice Guildford Guy Gwalia GWK Gwynne Hadfield Bean Hall Hamilton Hammond Hampton Hands Hariscott Harper Hatton-McEvoy HE Henry Heron HFG Hillman Hodgson Hornsted Horstman Hotchkiss HP Hudson Humber Imperia Invicta Iris Jappic JB Jewel JL Jowett junior Sports Kingsbury KRC LAD Lagonda Lanchester La Rapide Launceston Laurence-Jackson Lea Francis Lecoy Lewis Leyland Lincoln Lington Little Greg Little Midland Lockwood London-Pullman Lothian Loyd-Lord LSD Magnetic Maiflower Marendaz Marlborough Marseal Marshall Mascotte Mass Matchless Maudslay Maxwell MB McCurd McKenzie Mendip Menley Mercury Meteorite Metro-Tyler MG Milton Moller Monarch Morgan Morris Morris-Commercial Morriss-London Napier NEC New British New Carden Newey New Hudson New Orleans New Pick Newton Nomad North-Lucas North Star NP OD Omega Orleans Orpington Overland Owen Palladium Palm Palmerston Parnacott Paydell Payze Perfex Phoenix Pick Picknell Plymouth Pontiac Pomeroy Princeps Princess Progress Pullinger Pullman Putol Raleigh R&B Reaba Reeves Radial Renault Restelli Rhode Richardson Riley RLC RMC Rob Roy Roger Rolls-Royce Rover Royal Ruby RTC Rubury-Lindsay Rugby Ruston-Hornsby Ryner-Wilson Salmson Santler Saunders Scotsman Scott Sociable Scout Seabrook Seal Seaton-Petter Sheffield Simplex Sheret Short-Ashby Silent Record Silent Unit Silver Hawk Simplic Singer Sizaire-Berwick Skeoch Snow Speedy Stack Stafford Standard Stanhope Star Stellite Sterling Stoneleigh Storey Straker-Squire Stringer Studebaker Suffolk Royal Summers Sunbeam Surrey Swallow Swift Talbot Tamplin Tankette Taunton Taylor TB Thanet Thomas Thor Thurlow Triumph Trojan TST Turner Unit Urecar Vandy Varley Woods Vauxhall Victor Vulcan Warren Lambert Waverley Webb Westall Westcar Westwood Wherwell Whippet Whitehead Whitehead-Thanet Whitlock Whitworth Wigan-Barlow Willys-Knight Wilson Wilton Winchester Winco Windsor Wingfield Winson Wooler Xtra Zephyr
In the Vintage period, 1919-30, a staggering total of 380 firms in Britain launched new models, and all these makers are listed here. Their background is filled in, and representative models are described, with specifications, production numbers, dates, prices, and accompanying illustrations. A unique reference work for Vintage enthusiasts.
Firmly established as the most comprehensive illustrated reference works available on the subject, our A-Z series provides unique individual coverage and analysis of every make and model of car sold in Britain, with:
Photographs of all models
Production dates and numbers
Specifications and body types
Descriptions and recognition features
Historical notes on all makes
Some Press comments on the series
The A-Zs are indispensible to the serious student of classic cars. Sunday Times
Should be on every motoring enthusiasts bookshelf. Daily Telegraph
Some refreshingly honest assessments. Practical Classics
Perhaps the most striking thing is the breadth of knowledge displayed. Autosport