The Bonneville Arrives
Pre-unit Development
Unit Construction
Oil-in-frame & Five Gears
Competition T120
BSA Bantam
The Bantam was everyone´s learner model in the 1950´s and few riders from that era did not own, or at least try, one at some time. Later ir grew up lost its early, cheeky air, but it never fell from favour throughout its long production run. This title takes the reader through its history and covers all models in words and pictures.
Roy Bacon has over 40 motorcycle books to his credit and is acknowledged as a leading aythority on the subject. He raced the Bantam for many years so knows its foibles well, experience that is supported by his engineering background.
Motorcycle Monographs are a handy, pocket-sized series of books for the enthusiast and general reader alike. Each book covers a single marque, model or machine in depth, the authoritive text being full supported by contemporary photogrphs to provide a complete reference source. Motorcycles of all ages and types and from all countries are covered are covered by the constantly expanding list; offering history in the poclet.