Chapter 1
Basic principles
Chapter 2
Selecting cables, connectors and Components
Chapter 3
Modifying existing looms and systetns
Chapter 4
Building a loom from scratch
Chapter 5
Duplexing, redundancy and fail-safes
Chapter 6
Batteries, starting and charging systems
Chapter 7
Ignition systems
Chapter 8
Ltghting systems
Chapter 9
Instrulllentation, switchgear and engtne health monitoring
Chapter 10
Safety systems and automation
Chapter 11
In-car communication systems
Glossary of terms and abbreviations
The requirements for a competition car electrical system are significantly different from those of a standard road car. Such luxuries as electric windows and central locking are superfluous. Conversely, equipment such as emergency electrical cut-outs and fire extinguisher systems may be required. Electrical system reliability is an often-overlooked aspect of competition car design, and a common source of trouble. Here is a practical, illustrated guide to all aspects of electrical system design and implementation, essential reading for anyone running or constructing a competition car or modifying a road car for competition use.