Reformatted and updated in paperback after its hardback success, this is the hilarious - and at times harrowing - autobiography of Perry McCarthy, alias 'The Stig' on BBC TV?s Top Gear, which attracts four million viewers a week. Perry, whose efforts to get into Formula 1 led The Times to dub him 'the world's unluckiest racing driver', has created enormous intrigue as the mystery driver on Jeremy Clarkson's prime-time television show, testing cars at times to near destruction, and has signed up for another series starting this autumn. But when it came to racing at Le Mans in 2003 the old bad luck returned.
'a lesson in sheer determination' Motorsport News
Perry McCarthy decided at the age of 18 that he wanted to reach the top in the worlds most expensive sport. This is his autobiography. Foreword by Damon Hill.
"Perry McCarthy does for Formula One what Bill Bryson did for travel writing. But beneath the black humor and wisecracks-funny enough to make you laugh out loud in public-lies an inspiring and at times poignant tale of the rarest kind of racer: one who never gave up and was, literally, prepared to die trying" David Tremayne, The Independent on Sunday.