Real life restoration carried out by the author
Covers areas not found in traditional workshop manuals
Advice on whether to repair, renovate or replace components
Clear, concise text
Over 600 full colour photographs
Step by step guidance for those tricky jobs
Advice on parts
Special tools, their purchase, use and alternatives
Advice on what to leave to the professionals
No Smallframe Vespa owner would want to be without this book
This book investigates the reality of Vespa restoration in detail. The author strips and rebuilds Smallframe models in his workshop, outlining common problems and how to address them. Aimed at the do-it-yourself enthusiast and featuring over 600 clear colour photographs, it is an essential step-by step-guide to the complete renovation of your beloved scooter.
This book investigates the reality of renovating a Smallframe Vespa in detail, outlining the techniques to fully restore a complete wreck to factory fresh. The restoration is carried out by the author in his own workshop, and all stages of the process are covered. From frame welding and panel repair, to paint and trim, every process is clearly described and backed up by over 600 full colour photographs. Special tools, advice on their use, and even possible home-made substitutes are covered, along with advice on spare parts  no Smallframe Vespa owner should be without a copy.
Additional Information
Covers Smallframe Vespas  Vespa 50, 50N, 50L, 50 Special, 50R, 90, 125 Nuova, 125 Primavera, PK50, PK125, 1963 to 1986.
Does not cover Large frame Vespas, Automatic transmission models, Automatica, Plurimatic and Speedmatic.