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Motocicletas en varios idiomas
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British Hero Dave Thorpe Was Out to Reclaim the Motocross 500CC World Championship Title - But Determined Belgian Star Eric Geboers Had Other Ideas.

duke is Delighted to Present the Full Story of the Fast and Furious 1988 Season in an Action-packed Three Hours of Stunning Footage, Available ON DVD For the First Time.

staggering Leaps, Bone-crunching Falls, Amazing Race Action and Fascinating Interviews With Leading Riders Put You at the Heart of the Title Battle AS the Drama Unfolds.

two-times World Champion Thorpe Was Determined to Make UP For the Disappointment of 1987, When Injury Prevented Him Defending His Crown. AS the Season Started in Austria, HE Was in Amazing Form and Dominated Both Legs of the Meeting.

despite His Strong Rides, Thorpe Quickly Discovered HE Had A Fight ON His Hands, Courtesy of Honda Teammate Geboers, Who Was Bidding to Become the First Man in History to Win World Championships in 125CC, 250CC and 500CC Competition.

after the American Grand Prix - the Seventh of 12 Rounds - the Nip and Tuck Title Battle Was Finely Poised, With Geboers Trailing Thorpe BY Just Eight Points.

the British Grand Prix Put the Championship Rivals Head-to Head, Crossing the Finish Line at the End of Leg One Almost Side BY Side. IT Was Thorpe Who Left England Victorious, Winning Both Races.

however, Thorpe's Season Was Thrown into Chaos With A Heavy Practice Spill at the Dutch Grand Prix. A Broken Collarbone Forced Him Out For Two Rounds, and Geboers Made the Most of His Adversary's Absence to Establish A Healthy Points Advantage.

brit Kurt Nicoll Attempted to Fly the British Flag ON His Works Kawasaki and Take the Challenge to Geboers, But the Belgian Was Unstoppable. at the Penultimate Round, ON Home Ground, Geboers Did Just Enough to Secure the Title.

the Motocross 500CC World Championship Review Brings You All the Vital Moments of A Nail-biting Season.

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