1923-1927 The Six Ways Factory
1927-1939 The Hall Green Era
1940-1945 The War Years
1945-1950 The POst War Years
The 1950´s
The 1960´s
1970 End of the Road
Appendix I. Development of the ohc racing models
Appendix II. General Factory pictures-Early days
Appendix III. Specifications of different velocette models
The Veloccette motorcycle was one of the most respected of British machines, earning a reputation for quality and reliability which it mantained to the end.
The make also commandel loyalty from those eho built and sold the motorcycles, for many of the ataff with the company for upwards of fifty years.
In this unusual book one of those long service employees, Leonard J. Mosely, who spent over 47 years at the Veloce factories form 1923 until the final demise in 1970 chronicles the story of Velocette from his viewpoint on the factory floor. For most of his service with the company Leonard Moseley was the building of the highly polished ahow exhibits which were taken to the annial Earls COurt Shows, and those detailed sectioned motorcycles and engines which fascinatied visotors to the Celocette stands at various Shows. On mere than one occasion he was responsible for the final assembly os the racing machines which took so many victorues in the Isle of Many TT races.
This book gices an intriguing and often moving insight into, the inner working of a factory which was reduced over the years from its positions as one os the World´s top raking motorcycle builders to a mere shell of a company struggling for its very existence against the Japanese invasion os the 1960´s
The book provides some rally compulsive reading, accompanied by historic photographs, many of which have been published.