Abbreviations/Photo Credits
How to use this Catalog
Body to Use this Catalog
Body Style identification Guide
Vehicle Dimensions
How to use the Cadillac/LaSalle price guide
Vehicle conditon Scale
Price Guide Section
In 1902 Detroit Automobile becomes the Cadillac Automobile Company. A new era in fine transportation is launched!
This all-new edition devoted to the Standard of the World gives Caddy enthusiasts 10 more years of coverage, from the first 1903 runabout to roll off the line through the night vision technology of 2000. Owners, restorers and buyers will find everything hereidentification data, engine and chassis specs, current pricing in 6 grades of condition for all models through 1993and an in-depth look at the heritage of this American classic.
-98 Years of Cadillac through 2000 including technical specifications and original factory data. -Current Cadillac values in up to 6 grades of condition for all models through 1993. -Over 600 photos to aid in identification with all-new 16-page full-color section.