- Author´s preface
- Acknowledgements
- Chapter One John Marston
- Charpeter Two The gentleman´s motorcycle
- Chaoter Three Development- the vintage years 1918-25
- Chapter Four Sunbeam quality is known everywhere
- Chapter Five Swansong 1926-30
- Chapter Six Stagnation 1930-39
- Chapter Seven BSA-Sunbeam
- Chapter Eight Afterwards
- Chapter Nine Appendices
- Index
A rich black ilustre, A
d lines and transfers,
ccasional gol
¡ Sunbeam motorcycles
o mint
brings ! (
rd bicycles, high quality products
that had a r putation sec ond to none
Yet strangely enough,
im their hey day.
arque that has tended to be
this 1s a m
overlooked by historians and other
researchers, with the result that this is
the first definitive book on the
The author, a real Sunbeam
enthusiast, has spared no effort in
following the career of John Marston
and those who succeeded him, taking
the story from the early formative
years of the company through to the
- advent of the post-World War IT twins
that created such a sensation when
they appeared on the market soon
after the manufacture of motorcycles
lor the civilian market was resumed.
The story of the Sunbeam bicycle is
included too, because 1ts manufacture
bt closely interwound with that of
Motorcycles in the early days.