La naissance de la 2CV : la TPV (Toute Petite Voiture)
1948: présentation au Salon de l'automobi\e de Paris
Les années 1950 : de la Fourgonnette à la Sahara
Les années 1960 et la naissance de la Dyane
Les années 1970 : une ère de coursoes et tourisme
Les années 1980 et 1990 : les derniers modéles
La Dyane, un mythe dérivé de la 2CV
La Méhari
Une passion contagieuse - le Club Citroen 2CV et Dériés
The immortal Citroen Deux Chevaux - the 'corrugated chicken shed on wheels' has been a French style icon since it was conceived before the war as a cheap utilitarian town-and-country vehicle. This is the complete illustrated history of the 2CV, its variants and successors from 1948 to the current day. ICONS OF STYLE is a brand new series of compact illustrated books which celebrate the most iconic car designs of the 20th century. Each book focuses on a different classic car, or car marque and documents its concept and development, launch and production, its variants and derivatives. The photographs are a mix of archive and factory shots, images from advertising and brochures, and location portraits, all of which exemplify the iconic style of the era.