- Preface
- Acknowledgements
-Early Days 1900-1930
-Golden Years 1930-1945
-The Classic Era 1946-1959
- The ENd 1960s
Made in Redditch will delight not only those who have a passion for the Royal Enfield motorcycles which, until 1967, were made in this Midlands town but also anyone with an interest in machines and Britain`s industrial heritage. It comprises a fascinating collection of photographs, many previously unpublished, and rare archive pictures of motorcycles, bicycles and lawnmowers, all made by the company.
This second book in the Six and Six Classic Transport Series, published to accompany Redditch Revisited, an event which celebrated Royal Enfield motorcycle production, forms a permanet reminder of the glory days of Redditch and enables present-day Royal Enfield motorcycle enthusiasts to take a nostalgic trip back to those times.
Gordon May has owned, ridden and loved many classic motorcycles over 20 years. He founded Six and Six Publishing to share his enthusiasm and ecperise with other and is editor of The Buller-In, an international monthly magazine for Royal Enfield Bullet owners and enthusiasts.