35,50 €
IVA incluido
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Nº edición:
Mustang ford
255 mm x 195 mm
35,50 €
IVA incluido
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    [codigo] => 20527
    [tipo_articulo] => L0
    [clasificacion] => 8
    [descripcion] => LE GUIDE DE LA FORD MUSTANG
    [subtitulo] => 
    [autor] => THIBAUT AMANT
    [traductor] => 
    [nombre_editorial] => ETAI 
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    [relacionados] => Array
            [0] => Array
                    [codigo] => 16784
                    [tipo_articulo] => L0
                    [clasificacion] => 8
                    [descripcion] => HIGH PERFORMANCE FORD MUSTANG BUYERS GUIDE (1979 - PRESENT)
                    [subtitulo] => 
                    [autor] => TRAVIS THOMPSON
                    [traductor] => 
                    [nombre_editorial] => S-A DESIGN CAR TECH
                    [pais] => 
                    [nombre_coleccion] => 
                    [es_novedad] => N
                    [pvp] => 5158
                    [pvp_euros] => 31.00
                    [pvp_bruto] => 29.81
                    [isbn] => 978-1-932494-16-7
                    [ean] => 9781932494167
                    [estado_libro] => 2
                    [tmr] => 19.00
                    [proxima_aparicion] => 0000-00-00
                    [stockfirme] => 1
                    [editorial] => 350
                    [coleccion] => 
                    [num_coleccion] => 
                    [coleccion_arti] => 1
                    [ancho] => 214
                    [alto] => 277
                    [ilustraciones] => 250
                    [numero_paginas] => 128
                    [formato] => PORTADA EN RUSTICA
                    [tema_interes] => 008MUS
                    [origen_edicion] => 
                    [fecha_edicion] => 2006-07-01
                    [agno_ultima_edi] =>     
                    [numero_edicion] => 1
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                    [ean_portada] => 9781932494167
                    [idioma] => INGLES
                    [precio_oferta] => 
                    [cod_tema] => 008MUS
                    [tema] => MUSTANG FORD
                    [titulo_alt] => 
                    [subtitulo_alt] => 
                    [autor_alt] => 
                    [editorial_alt] => 
                    [numero_paginas_alt] => 
                    [pvp_euros_alt] => 
                    [url_alt] => 
                    [idioma_alt] => 
                    [sinopsis] => 
                    [nombre_portada_canonical] => 
                    [unidad_min_venta] => 
                    [familia] => AUTOMOVILES AMERICANOS (VARIOS IDIOMAS)
                    [tope_oferta] => 
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                    [referencia] => 
                    [impuesto] => 4
                    [pack] => N
                    [libre_1] => 
                    [link_editorial] => L2VkaXRvcmlhbC9zLWEtZGVzaWduLWNhci10ZWNoLzM1MC8=
                    [pvp_euros_2decimales] => 31,00
                    [ano_edicion] => 2006
                    [descripcion_limitada] => HIGH PERFORMANCE FORD MUSTANG BUYERS GUIDE (197...
                    [titulo_completo] => HIGH PERFORMANCE FORD MUSTANG BUYERS GUIDE (1979 - PRESENT)
                    [titulo] => HIGH PERFORMANCE FORD MUSTANG BUYERS GUIDE (1979 - PRESENT)
                    [autores] => Array
                            [0] => Array
                                    [codigo] => 
                                    [link_autor] => L2F1dG9yL3RyYXZpcy10aG9tcHNvbi8=
                                    [descripcion] => TRAVIS THOMPSON


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                            [link] => /libros-de/mustang-ford-008MUS/

                    [preventa] => N
                    [link] => /libro/high-performance-ford-mustang-buyers-guide-1979-present_16784
                    [link_portada] => https://www.libromotor.com/imagenes/9781932/978193249416.JPG
                    [ruta_portada] => https://www.libromotor.com/imagenes/9781932/978193249416.JPG
                    [comprable] => 1
                    [sinopsis_editor] => The Ford Mustang is an American icon; young and old, everyone loves the Mustang. High-Performance Ford Mustang Buyers Guide 1979-Present is your one-stop shop to find out which modern-era Mustang has the most powerful engine, the best-handling suspension, or the most available aftermarket upgrades. Whether your intentions are to mod it out or keep it stock, this book has all the information you need. Each chapter focuses on a particular incarnation of the modern Mustang. Inside each chapter is info on the stock performance features of that particular Mustang, including engine, drivetrain, suspension, and brakes, followed by an overview of what the high-performance aftermarket has to offer for that model. High-Performance Ford Mustang Buyers Guide 1979-Present covers all V-8 Mustangs (plus the SVO) comparing their standard performance features and discussing what it takes to make them go faster using aftermarket performance parts or factory upgrades.

[sinopsis_breve] => The Ford Mustang is an American icon; young and old, everyone loves the Mustang. High-Performance Ford Mustang Buyer [sinopsis_mediana] => The Ford Mustang is an American icon; young and old, everyone loves the Mustang. High-Performance Ford Mustang Buyers Guide 1979-Present is your one-stop shop to find out which modern-era Mustang has the most powerful engine, the best-handling suspension, or the most available aftermarket upgrades. Whether your intentions are to mod it out or keep it stock, this book has all th [precio_descuento] => 31.00 [precio_bruto_descuento] => 29.81 [descuento] => 0 [tipo_descuento] => [descripcion_descuento] => [hayDisponible] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [codigo] => 24405 [tipo_articulo] => L0 [clasificacion] => 8 [descripcion] => MUSTANG, REFLETS D'UNE LÉGENDE [subtitulo] => PHOTOS INÉDITES [autor] => HUBERT HAINAULT [traductor] => [nombre_editorial] => ETAI [pais] => [nombre_coleccion] => [es_novedad] => N [pvp] => 6822 [pvp_euros] => 41.00 [pvp_bruto] => 39.42 [isbn] => 979-10-283-0155-2 [ean] => 9791028301552 [estado_libro] => 0 [tmr] => 4.00 [proxima_aparicion] => 0000-00-00 [stockfirme] => 1 [editorial] => 91 [coleccion] => [num_coleccion] => [coleccion_arti] => 1 [ancho] => 250 [alto] => 300 [ilustraciones] => 0 [numero_paginas] => 160 [formato] => PORTADA DURA CON CARATULA [tema_interes] => 008MUS [origen_edicion] => [fecha_edicion] => [agno_ultima_edi] => [numero_edicion] => 1 [ilustrador] => [ebook_codigo] => [ebook_ref_gt] => [ebook_size] => [ebook_derechos] => [ebook_permisos] => [ebook_url] => [ebook_num_descargas] => [ebook_link_portada] => [ebook_link_portada_orig] => [ebook_cod_distribuidora] => [ebook_permiso_venta] => [ebook_paises] => [ebook_formato] => [ebook_drm] => [ean_portada] => 9791028301552 [idioma] => FRANCES [precio_oferta] => [cod_tema] => 008MUS [tema] => MUSTANG FORD [titulo_alt] => [subtitulo_alt] => [autor_alt] => [editorial_alt] => [numero_paginas_alt] => [pvp_euros_alt] => [url_alt] => [idioma_alt] => [sinopsis] => [nombre_portada_canonical] => [unidad_min_venta] => [familia] => AUTOMOVILES AMERICANOS (VARIOS IDIOMAS) [tope_oferta] => [vender] => [referencia] => [impuesto] => 4 [pack] => N [libre_1] => [link_editorial] => L2VkaXRvcmlhbC9ldGFpLS85MS8= [pvp_euros_2decimales] => 41,00 [ano_edicion] => [descripcion_limitada] => MUSTANG, REFLETS D'UNE LÉGENDE [titulo_completo] => MUSTANG, REFLETS D'UNE LÉGENDE. PHOTOS INÉDITES [titulo] => MUSTANG, REFLETS D'UNE LÉGENDE [autores] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [codigo] => [link_autor] => L2F1dG9yL2h1YmVydC1oYWluYXVsdC8= [descripcion] => HUBERT HAINAULT ) ) [cod_disponibilidad] => 3 [disponibilidad] => En stock [class_disponibilidad] => green [tema_web] => Array ( [codigo] => 722 [nivel] => 008MUS [descripcion] => Mustang ford [link] => /libros-de/mustang-ford-008MUS/ ) [preventa] => N [link] => /libro/mustang-reflets-d-une-legende_24405 [link_portada] => https://www.libromotor.com/imagenes/9791028/979102830155.JPG [ruta_portada] => https://www.libromotor.com/imagenes/9791028/979102830155.JPG [comprable] => 1 [sinopsis_editor] => Cet ouvrage n’a que pour seul objectif la passion pour la Ford Mustang. Sur une palette de six générations, l’auteur met ici en avant treize modèles de Mustang qui ne vous laisseront pas insensibles. Fastback, convertible, notchback, Mach 1, Boss 302, GT500 Shelby…autant d’appellations qui vous plongeront dans un univers captivant au travers de magnifiques photographies. [sinopsis_breve] => Cet ouvrage n’a que pour seul objectif la passion pour la Ford Mustang. Sur une palette de six générations, l’auteur [sinopsis_mediana] => Cet ouvrage n’a que pour seul objectif la passion pour la Ford Mustang. Sur une palette de six générations, l’auteur met ici en avant treize modèles de Mustang qui ne vous laisseront pas insensibles. Fastback, convertible, notchback, Mach 1, Boss 302, GT500 Shelby…autant d’appellations qui vous plongeront dans un univers captivant au travers de magnifiques photographies. [precio_descuento] => 41.00 [precio_bruto_descuento] => 39.42 [descuento] => 0 [tipo_descuento] => [descripcion_descuento] => [hayDisponible] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [codigo] => 5149 [tipo_articulo] => L0 [clasificacion] => 8 [descripcion] => HOW TO TUNE & MODIFY YOUR FORD 5.0 LITER MUSTANG 1979-95 [subtitulo] => [autor] => STEVE TURNER [traductor] => [nombre_editorial] => MOTORBOOKS INTERNATIONAL [pais] => [nombre_coleccion] => [es_novedad] => N [pvp] => 4659 [pvp_euros] => 28.00 [pvp_bruto] => 26.92 [isbn] => 978-0-7603-0568-3 [ean] => 9780760305683 [estado_libro] => 0 [tmr] => 24.00 [proxima_aparicion] => 0000-00-00 [stockfirme] => 2 [editorial] => 167 [coleccion] => [num_coleccion] => [coleccion_arti] => 1 [ancho] => 250 [alto] => 160 [ilustraciones] => 250 [numero_paginas] => 273 [formato] => PORTADA EN RUSTICA [tema_interes] => 008MUS [origen_edicion] => [fecha_edicion] => [agno_ultima_edi] => [numero_edicion] => [ilustrador] => [ebook_codigo] => [ebook_ref_gt] => [ebook_size] => [ebook_derechos] => [ebook_permisos] => [ebook_url] => [ebook_num_descargas] => [ebook_link_portada] => [ebook_link_portada_orig] => [ebook_cod_distribuidora] => [ebook_permiso_venta] => [ebook_paises] => [ebook_formato] => [ebook_drm] => [ean_portada] => 9780760305683 [idioma] => INGLES [precio_oferta] => [cod_tema] => 008MUS [tema] => MUSTANG FORD [titulo_alt] => [subtitulo_alt] => [autor_alt] => [editorial_alt] => [numero_paginas_alt] => [pvp_euros_alt] => [url_alt] => [idioma_alt] => [sinopsis] => [nombre_portada_canonical] => [unidad_min_venta] => [familia] => AUTOMOVILES AMERICANOS (VARIOS IDIOMAS) [tope_oferta] => [vender] => [referencia] => [impuesto] => 4 [pack] => N [libre_1] => MU [link_editorial] => L2VkaXRvcmlhbC9tb3RvcmJvb2tzLWludGVybmF0aW9uYWwvMTY3Lw== [pvp_euros_2decimales] => 28,00 [ano_edicion] => [descripcion_limitada] => HOW TO TUNE & MODIFY YOUR FORD 5.0 LITER MUSTAN... [titulo_completo] => HOW TO TUNE & MODIFY YOUR FORD 5.0 LITER MUSTANG 1979-95 [titulo] => HOW TO TUNE & MODIFY YOUR FORD 5.0 LITER MUSTANG 1979-95 [autores] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [codigo] => [link_autor] => L2F1dG9yL3N0ZXZlLXR1cm5lci8= [descripcion] => STEVE TURNER ) ) [cod_disponibilidad] => 2 [disponibilidad] => En stock [class_disponibilidad] => green [tema_web] => Array ( [codigo] => 722 [nivel] => 008MUS [descripcion] => Mustang ford [link] => /libros-de/mustang-ford-008MUS/ ) [preventa] => N [link] => /libro/how-to-tune-modify-your-ford-5-0-liter-mustang-1979-95_5149 [link_portada] => https://www.libromotor.com/imagenes/9780760/978076030568.JPG [ruta_portada] => https://www.libromotor.com/imagenes/9780760/978076030568.JPG [comprable] => 1 [sinopsis_editor] => Improve the power and performance of your Pony car! Detailed chapters cover: performance history, rebuilding your engine, induction system & cylinder heads, camshaft & valvetrain, exhaust, electronics & ignition, transmission & driveline, handling & suspension, tires & wheels, brakes, bodywork mods, interior, tuning & rebuilding specs, and more. Expert tips to set your Mustang up for hot street use, drag racing, autocrossing, or road racing. Sftbd [sinopsis_breve] => Improve the power and performance of your Pony car! Detailed chapters cover: performance history, rebuilding your en [sinopsis_mediana] => Improve the power and performance of your Pony car! Detailed chapters cover: performance history, rebuilding your engine, induction system & cylinder heads, camshaft & valvetrain, exhaust, electronics & ignition, transmission & driveline, handling & suspension, tires & wheels, brakes, bodywork mods, interior, tuning & rebuilding specs, and more. Expert tips to set your Mustang [precio_descuento] => 28.00 [precio_bruto_descuento] => 26.92 [descuento] => 0 [tipo_descuento] => [descripcion_descuento] => [hayDisponible] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [codigo] => 5125 [tipo_articulo] => L0 [clasificacion] => 8 [descripcion] => MUSTANG 5.0 L MUSCLE PORTFOLIO 82-93 [subtitulo] => [autor] => [traductor] => [nombre_editorial] => BROOKLANDS BOOKS LTD [pais] => [nombre_coleccion] => [es_novedad] => N [pvp] => 4409 [pvp_euros] => 26.50 [pvp_bruto] => 25.48 [isbn] => 978-1-85520-475-1 [ean] => 9781855204751 [estado_libro] => 0 [tmr] => 24.00 [proxima_aparicion] => 0000-00-00 [stockfirme] => 2 [editorial] => 30 [coleccion] => [num_coleccion] => [coleccion_arti] => 1 [ancho] => 200 [alto] => 272 [ilustraciones] => 400 [numero_paginas] => 140 [formato] => PORTADA EN RUSTICA [tema_interes] => 008MUS [origen_edicion] => [fecha_edicion] => [agno_ultima_edi] => [numero_edicion] => [ilustrador] => [ebook_codigo] => [ebook_ref_gt] => [ebook_size] => [ebook_derechos] => [ebook_permisos] => [ebook_url] => [ebook_num_descargas] => [ebook_link_portada] => [ebook_link_portada_orig] => [ebook_cod_distribuidora] => [ebook_permiso_venta] => [ebook_paises] => [ebook_formato] => [ebook_drm] => [ean_portada] => 9781855204751 [idioma] => INGLES [precio_oferta] => [cod_tema] => 008MUS [tema] => MUSTANG FORD [titulo_alt] => [subtitulo_alt] => [autor_alt] => [editorial_alt] => [numero_paginas_alt] => [pvp_euros_alt] => [url_alt] => [idioma_alt] => [sinopsis] => [nombre_portada_canonical] => [unidad_min_venta] => [familia] => AUTOMOVILES AMERICANOS (VARIOS IDIOMAS) [tope_oferta] => [vender] => [referencia] => [impuesto] => 4 [pack] => N [libre_1] => MU [link_editorial] => L2VkaXRvcmlhbC9icm9va2xhbmRzLWJvb2tzLWx0ZC0vMzAv [pvp_euros_2decimales] => 26,50 [ano_edicion] => [descripcion_limitada] => MUSTANG 5.0 L MUSCLE PORTFOLIO 82-93 [titulo_completo] => MUSTANG 5.0 L MUSCLE PORTFOLIO 82-93 [titulo] => MUSTANG 5.0 L MUSCLE PORTFOLIO 82-93 [autores] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [codigo] => [link_autor] => [descripcion] =>   ) ) [cod_disponibilidad] => 2 [disponibilidad] => En stock [class_disponibilidad] => green [tema_web] => Array ( [codigo] => 722 [nivel] => 008MUS [descripcion] => Mustang ford [link] => /libros-de/mustang-ford-008MUS/ ) [preventa] => N [link] => /libro/mustang-5-0-l-muscle-portfolio-82-93_5125 [link_portada] => https://www.libromotor.com/imagenes/9781855/978185520475.JPG [ruta_portada] => https://www.libromotor.com/imagenes/9781855/978185520475.JPG [comprable] => 1 [sinopsis_editor] => Once upon a time, the Mustang name had been synonymous with high-performance motoring, but the downsized Mustang II which made its bow as a 1974 model was scarcely the same sort of car at all. During the later 1970s, Ford struggled to endow it with the muscle appeal of the original Mustang, but it was not until the Autumn of 1981 that they succeeded. The car was the new 5.0-litre model, based on 1979's much-improved new range. Advertisements announced that The Boss is Back! and indeed it was, in a way. The car's V8 engine, usually called a 5.0-litre to match the trend of the times towards Europeanisation, had the same 302 cubic inch capacity as the Boss Mustangs of the glorious 1960s. With 157bhp, it might not have had all their brutal performance, but it was most definitely a step in the right direction, because it turned the new car into the quickest Mustang in years, with zero to 60mph times of under eight seconds. For 1983, a four-barrel carburettor lifted power to 175bhp, and then the 1985 GT models boasted 210bhp. Ford boasted that year, too, that they had sold a number of 5.0-litre Mustangs with a Special Pursuit Package to Police Forces in several US States. New emissions regulations meant a switch to fuel injection, and for 1986 the 5.0-litre Mustang dropped back to just 200bhp, but with the 1987 facelift came a hike once again, this time to the 225bhp with which the model would play out its days. These Mustangs brought back the fun to motoring in the 1980s and brought back the original spirit of the Mustang name. That is why enthusiasts seek them out today, and will continue to do so as long as petrol remains available. Collected in this book are articles which explain more of what was so good about the 5.0-litre Mustang. Read and enjoy. This is a book of contemporary road & comparison tests & car conversions. Covered: 5.0L GT, Saleen, Project 514, Kaufmann, JBA/Saleen & SSC, LX 5.0L, Saleen SB/S, NOS/Saleen, SC, Cobra & Mach III. [sinopsis_breve] => Once upon a time, the Mustang name had been synonymous with high-performance motoring, but the downsized Mustang II [sinopsis_mediana] => Once upon a time, the Mustang name had been synonymous with high-performance motoring, but the downsized Mustang II which made its bow as a 1974 model was scarcely the same sort of car at all. During the later 1970s, Ford struggled to endow it with the muscle appeal of the original Mustang, but it was not until the Autumn of 1981 that they succeeded. The car was the new 5.0-lit [precio_descuento] => 26.50 [precio_bruto_descuento] => 25.48 [descuento] => 0 [tipo_descuento] => [descripcion_descuento] => [hayDisponible] => 1 ) [4] => Array ( [codigo] => 17557 [tipo_articulo] => L0 [clasificacion] => 8 [descripcion] => HIGH PERFORMANCE MUSTANG BUILDERS GUIDE 1994-2004 [subtitulo] => [autor] => SEAN HYLAND [traductor] => [nombre_editorial] => S-A DESIGN CAR TECH [pais] => [nombre_coleccion] => [es_novedad] => N [pvp] => 5158 [pvp_euros] => 31.00 [pvp_bruto] => 29.81 [isbn] => 978-1-932494-10-5 [ean] => 9781932494105 [estado_libro] => 2 [tmr] => 19.00 [proxima_aparicion] => 0000-00-00 [stockfirme] => 1 [editorial] => 350 [coleccion] => [num_coleccion] => [coleccion_arti] => 1 [ancho] => 241 [alto] => 280 [ilustraciones] => 300 [numero_paginas] => 144 [formato] => PORTADA EN RUSTICA [tema_interes] => 008MUS [origen_edicion] => [fecha_edicion] => [agno_ultima_edi] => [numero_edicion] => 1 [ilustrador] => [ebook_codigo] => [ebook_ref_gt] => [ebook_size] => [ebook_derechos] => [ebook_permisos] => [ebook_url] => [ebook_num_descargas] => [ebook_link_portada] => [ebook_link_portada_orig] => [ebook_cod_distribuidora] => [ebook_permiso_venta] => [ebook_paises] => [ebook_formato] => [ebook_drm] => [ean_portada] => 9781932494105 [idioma] => INGLES [precio_oferta] => [cod_tema] => 008MUS [tema] => MUSTANG FORD [titulo_alt] => [subtitulo_alt] => [autor_alt] => [editorial_alt] => [numero_paginas_alt] => [pvp_euros_alt] => [url_alt] => [idioma_alt] => [sinopsis] => [nombre_portada_canonical] => [unidad_min_venta] => [familia] => AUTOMOVILES AMERICANOS (VARIOS IDIOMAS) [tope_oferta] => [vender] => [referencia] => [impuesto] => 4 [pack] => N [libre_1] => [link_editorial] => L2VkaXRvcmlhbC9zLWEtZGVzaWduLWNhci10ZWNoLzM1MC8= [pvp_euros_2decimales] => 31,00 [ano_edicion] => [descripcion_limitada] => HIGH PERFORMANCE MUSTANG BUILDERS GUIDE 1994-20... [titulo_completo] => HIGH PERFORMANCE MUSTANG BUILDERS GUIDE 1994-2004 [titulo] => HIGH PERFORMANCE MUSTANG BUILDERS GUIDE 1994-2004 [autores] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [codigo] => [link_autor] => L2F1dG9yL3NlYW4taHlsYW5kLw== [descripcion] => SEAN HYLAND ) ) [cod_disponibilidad] => 3 [disponibilidad] => En stock [class_disponibilidad] => green [tema_web] => Array ( [codigo] => 722 [nivel] => 008MUS [descripcion] => Mustang ford [link] => /libros-de/mustang-ford-008MUS/ ) [preventa] => N [link] => /libro/high-performance-mustang-builders-guide-1994-2004_17557 [link_portada] => https://www.libromotor.com/imagenes/9781932/978193249410.JPG [ruta_portada] => https://www.libromotor.com/imagenes/9781932/978193249410.JPG [comprable] => 1 [sinopsis_editor] => High-performance 94-04 Mustangs represent the high-water mark for late- model Mustang enthusiasts. From the 94-95s with the 5.0L, through the 96-04 models with the 2- and 4-valve 4.6Ls, to the Bullitt, Mach 1, and factory supercharged 03-04 Cobras - never before has such a range of highly modifiable performance cars been available. These Mustangs were amazing performers straight from the factory, but they can be even better with the right combination of performance parts. Regardless of which 94-04 Mustang you start with, the availability of high- performance parts is unparalleled. You can build your Mustang for drag racing, road racing, or improved street performance - and High- Performance Mustang Builders Guide 1994-2004 will show you how! Author Sean Hyland uses over 300 photos to explain how to upgrade your Mustangs engine, suspension, chassis, transmission, rear end, brakes, and body. Theres even a special chapter on getting active in various forms of organized racing [sinopsis_breve] => High-performance 94-04 Mustangs represent the high-water mark for late- model Mustang enthusiasts. From the 94-95s w [sinopsis_mediana] => High-performance 94-04 Mustangs represent the high-water mark for late- model Mustang enthusiasts. From the 94-95s with the 5.0L, through the 96-04 models with the 2- and 4-valve 4.6Ls, to the Bullitt, Mach 1, and factory supercharged 03-04 Cobras - never before has such a range of highly modifiable performance cars been available. These Mustangs were amazing performers straigh [precio_descuento] => 31.00 [precio_bruto_descuento] => 29.81 [descuento] => 0 [tipo_descuento] => [descripcion_descuento] => [hayDisponible] => 1 ) [5] => Array ( [codigo] => 23824 [tipo_articulo] => L0 [clasificacion] => 8 [descripcion] => MUSTANG. TOUS LES MODÈLES DEPUIS 1964 1/2 [subtitulo] => [autor] => MIKE MUELLER [traductor] => [nombre_editorial] => ETAI [pais] => [nombre_coleccion] => [es_novedad] => N [pvp] => 10482 [pvp_euros] => 63.00 [pvp_bruto] => 60.58 [isbn] => 979-10-283-0536-9 [ean] => 9791028300869 [estado_libro] => 0 [tmr] => 4.00 [proxima_aparicion] => 0000-00-00 [stockfirme] => 1 [editorial] => 91 [coleccion] => [num_coleccion] => [coleccion_arti] => 1 [ancho] => 248 [alto] => 305 [ilustraciones] => 0 [numero_paginas] => 304 [formato] => PORTADA DURA CON CARATULA [tema_interes] => 008MUS [origen_edicion] => [fecha_edicion] => [agno_ultima_edi] => [numero_edicion] => 1 [ilustrador] => [ebook_codigo] => [ebook_ref_gt] => [ebook_size] => [ebook_derechos] => [ebook_permisos] => [ebook_url] => [ebook_num_descargas] => [ebook_link_portada] => [ebook_link_portada_orig] => [ebook_cod_distribuidora] => [ebook_permiso_venta] => [ebook_paises] => [ebook_formato] => [ebook_drm] => [ean_portada] => 9791028300869 [idioma] => FRANCES [precio_oferta] => [cod_tema] => 008MUS [tema] => MUSTANG FORD [titulo_alt] => [subtitulo_alt] => [autor_alt] => [editorial_alt] => [numero_paginas_alt] => [pvp_euros_alt] => [url_alt] => [idioma_alt] => [sinopsis] => [nombre_portada_canonical] => [unidad_min_venta] => [familia] => AUTOMOVILES AMERICANOS (VARIOS IDIOMAS) [tope_oferta] => [vender] => [referencia] => [impuesto] => 4 [pack] => N [libre_1] => [link_editorial] => L2VkaXRvcmlhbC9ldGFpLS85MS8= [pvp_euros_2decimales] => 63,00 [ano_edicion] => [descripcion_limitada] => MUSTANG. TOUS LES MODÈLES DEPUIS 1964 1/2 [titulo_completo] => MUSTANG. TOUS LES MODÈLES DEPUIS 1964 1/2 [titulo] => MUSTANG. TOUS LES MODÈLES DEPUIS 1964 1/2 [autores] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [codigo] => [link_autor] => L2F1dG9yL21pa2UtbXVlbGxlci8= [descripcion] => MIKE MUELLER ) ) [cod_disponibilidad] => 3 [disponibilidad] => En stock [class_disponibilidad] => green [tema_web] => Array ( [codigo] => 722 [nivel] => 008MUS [descripcion] => Mustang ford [link] => /libros-de/mustang-ford-008MUS/ ) [preventa] => N [link] => /libro/mustang-tous-les-modeles-depuis-1964-12_23824 [link_portada] => https://www.libromotor.com/imagenes/9791028/979102830086.JPG [ruta_portada] => https://www.libromotor.com/imagenes/9791028/979102830086.JPG [comprable] => 1 [sinopsis_editor] => Cet ouvrage de référence, comporte la description de chaque version de Mustang de série, de compétition ou prototype, depuis le premier modèle 1964 1/2 jusqu'aux derniers de 2015.

Il s'intéresse aussi aux prototypes et show-cars, aux modèles anniversaires, aux pace-cars (voitures de sécurité dans les compétitions automobile), aux finitions spéciales pour la route ou la piste, en bref tout ce qui a fait de la Mustang une légende automobile vivante pendant un demi-siècle.

Réalisé en collaboration avec Ford Motor Company et richement illustré de documents provenant des archives Ford. Pourquoi 1964 1/2 ? La Ford Mustang a été lancée en avril 1964, en milieu de millésime. Le millèsime 1965 débutait en août 1964. Afin de ne pas subir un report d'achat en attente du millésime '65, Ford décida que toutes les premières Mustang vendues seraient conformes au millésime 1965 qui normalement débutait au 1er août 1964.

Quelques modifications minimes existent entre les Mustang 1964 1/2 et celles de 1965. Hormis le remplacement de la dynamo par un alternateur, elles ne présentent que peu ou pas d'intérêt, si ce n'est qu'elles sont les premières donc finalement sorties entre avril et août 1964. [sinopsis_breve] => Cet ouvrage de référence, comporte la description de chaque version de Mustang de série, de compétition ou prototype [sinopsis_mediana] => Cet ouvrage de référence, comporte la description de chaque version de Mustang de série, de compétition ou prototype, depuis le premier modèle 1964 1/2 jusqu'aux derniers de 2015.Il s'intéresse aussi aux prototypes et show-cars, aux modèles anniversaires, aux pace-cars (voitures de sécurité dans les compétitions automobile), aux finitions spéciales pour la route ou la piste, en [precio_descuento] => 63.00 [precio_bruto_descuento] => 60.58 [descuento] => 0 [tipo_descuento] => [descripcion_descuento] => [hayDisponible] => 1 ) ) [variantes] => Array ( ) )